
Privacy Policy

Reich Law is committed to ensuring your privacy while you visit our site.

Collection of Information

All information is collected in accordance with section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.

When you visit our site our web server automatically collects a limited amount of standard information essential to the operation and evaluation of the site. This information is not used to identify individuals who come to the site, nor is it disclosed to other public bodies or individuals.

The information that’s collected may include the page from which you arrived, the date and time, the IP address your computer is using, the type and version of your browser and the name and size of the file you request.

Personal Information

The only information we may use to identify you is the information you give voluntarily, such as in requesting an estimate of costs.

This personal information is disclosed only to the authorized personnel who use it to process and respond to your request.


When you visit a website it may deposit a piece of data, called a web cookie, with the temporary web browser files on your computer.

If you wish, you can change the settings on your web browser to deny cookies, or to warn you when a site is about to deposit cookies on your hard drive.

We do not store personal information cookies, nor do we collect personal information from you without your knowledge, as you browse the site.

If you have any questions regarding our privacy statement, please feel free to contact us.